Saturday, September 17, 2022

Learning English with Music

1 Watch this video

2 Watch the Spanish version

3 Write down the script of the English version handwriting

4 Make and study a list of the words you don't know

5 Explain the words in English

6 Choose a musical instrument for learning

7 Choose your favorite song in English, then sing and play it with your musical instrument

8 Organize your musical group

9 Choose and prepare one song per group and practice for a public presentation

10 Investigate everything about your song; the lyrics, the bio of the artist, the story of the song, what is about, the original tone and metric, cover versions, why did you choose this song, etc.  Speak up in English to Mr. Flores and write an essay

11 Perform your song (individual activity)

12 Perform the group song (team activity)

Questions, comments, and rehearsals only during class time, please!

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